• Breaking News

    Monday, January 2, 2017

    Lady show her character with a boy

    A new Nepali short movie has been uploaded on YouTube and the short movie is very funny.
    In the short movie a man is on his bike and going through the village. He sees his friend and stops. The friend gets sh)cked to see him on bike because he does not have one. The guy tells him that there is a long story and starts to tell him what happened.He tells him that he was on the road and was asking for lift but no one gave him. But later a girl in bike stopped in front of him and gave him lift. He also hopped on the bike. But later the girl took him to a jungle instead of taking him to his destination. The guy gets sh)cked but later the girl gets off the bike and starts to touch the guy. She takes his shirt off and pushes him. The guy is sh)cked but still stays quite but later the girl starts to strip down and once tells him that he can take what ever he want from her. The guy on the other hand takes the bike and tells him friend that he has no use of girl so he took the bike.

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